RC NAIROBI MUTHAIGA NORTH Kenya, is a chapter of District 9212 in Kenya

Rotary Theme Year 2024-2025


Support the president’s initiatives

Urchick asks members to champion Rotary’s Action Plan so they can improve their clubs and keep Rotary strong, find a balance between continuity and change, and work for peace. She also emphasizes the continuing importance of the effort to eradicate polio. She urges members to join or initiate PolioPlus Societies in their districts and do all they can to help end the disease.

Urchick will lead the 2025 Rotary Presidential Peace Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, 20-22 February 2025, with the theme Healing in a Divided World. “This conference will focus on Rotary’s peace efforts and provide opportunities to learn together,” Urchick says. She notes that Rotary’s commitment to peacebuilding is exemplified by the Rotary Peace Fellowship. “The Rotary Peace Fellowship began more than 20 years ago to equip peace and development professionals from communities around the world to become effective catalysts for ending and preventing conflict,” she says.


RC Nairobi Muthaiga North



RC NAIROBI MUTHAIGA NORTH Kenya, is a chapter of District 9212 in Kenya, which was chartered nine Years ago, in December 2013, in Nairobi, Kenya. The club has grown from 38 charter members to 108 current members. It is one of the best performing and active club in District 9212. The club is a mothers club to three Rotary Clubs and one Rotaract. We have two Rotaract clubs in formation. The club has stable leadership. The clubs past presidents and a past District Governor serving at Rotary International Level, are active and resourceful members to the club.
We meet every Thursday at 6pm at Heart Lodge.
Members of the club are cheerful and friendly making the club the warmest club in the region. The club is also referred to as the goat-eating club. Members are committed to the roles of participating, presence and giving. Most of the clubs activities are sponsored by the members through contributions leaving other donations to facilitate projects with bigger impact to the community. RC Nairobi Muthaiga North is structured under the principles of Equality and Inclusion.

Our Vision

Together we will CREATE impactful and lasting CHANGE in our COMMUNITIES and OURSELVES

Our Mission

To support and promote Rotary service and image within the communities and Rotary Families, strengthening membership and fulfilling our goals.


District 9212

For ease of administration, Rotary Clubs in one geographical region are clustered into Zones, then Districts. District 9212 is one of the more than 500 Districts in the world today. It is comprised of clubs in Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and South Sudan.

The District Governor in District 9212 for the year 2024/2025 is Dr Joe kamau.
The District runs an office to assist its respective clubs achieve their goals as well as giving guidelines and support. The District Governor oversees the District operations of the year assisted by District Assistant governors and other office bearers.