How To Get Involved
Share & Connect
Connect your family, friends and organization with Rotary Club of Nairobi Muthaiga North projects and events.
Reach out to volunteer at Rotary club of Nairobi Muthaiga North service project or fundraiser.
Search for projects that match your passions and donate to causes you love.
1). Who Can Join Our Club?
2). How Can I Become A Member?

3). What Are The Benefits?
- Discuss your community’s needs and develop creative ways to meet them.
- Connect with other leaders who are changing the world.
- Making a positive impact in one’s community through service projects.
- Establishing business connections, lasting friendships, and mentor relationships.
- Developing and expanding leadership and professional skills, such as event planning, public speaking, and fundraising.
- Including family members in service projects and events and getting children involved in youth programs in the community or abroad.
- Creating a global network of friends, especially when traveling.
- Getting discounts on a variety of services through the Rotary Global Rewards program.
Other benefits of membership include:
The Rotary International Convention is our biggest event of the year. Rotary members from more than 130 countries meet at the convention each year to celebrate our successes and make plans for the future.
Rotary Fellowships give members the chance to join a group of people who share similar interests, hobbies, or vocations. Some groups use their fellowship to make a positive difference.
Rotarian Action Groups unite Rotary members, family members, program participants and alumni who share their expertise in particular fields by collaborating with clubs and districts on
4).What’s Expected Of Me?
- Pay club dues on time.
- Attend club meetings and events.
- Participate in club activities - Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference.