Mother & Child Projects
Sustainable Programs
The Rotary Club of Nairobi Muthaiga North (RC NMN) has championed the Maternal and Child Health (M&CH) Project now in its third phase.
The project was first conceived and driven under the patronage of PDG Eric Kimani and his friend from Arizona Rotarian Jim Dowler. Together they brought onboard their Rotarian contacts from USA, Taiwan, Eastern Europe and local clubs and raised close to US 100,000. They needed to work on reachable public hospitals for proof of concept and therefore choose Kiambu, a Level 4 Hospital, Karatina Level 4 and Kangema Level 3 hospital as the first three beneficiaries.
When these projects are delivered and as part of our Monitoring & Evaluation (M &E), Jim visited and took the opportunity to go round the country scouting for future beneficiaries. He was accompanied by PDG Eric and PP Muchemi and the drove to Isiolo, Kisii and OlChorro in Narok.
Under the patronage of PP Patrick Muchemi and Rtn. Jim Dowler as the Primary Contacts another Global Grant of nearly $ 100,000 was delivered to the three public hospitals.
In both instances The Rotary Club of Nairobi Muthaiga North has raised some of the money through various efforts such as the Annual Golf Tournament.
We are embarking on phase 3 which should benefit from our now-established success to deliver a great community project.
What Does the Project involve
In nutshell it to reduce maternal and neo-natal deaths by providing safe delivery coaches, equipping the neo-natal wards and training the staff on better and safer delivery models.
What has led to the success so far?
The commitment of individual Rotarians of RC NMN and their partners
The commitment of the Partners. MOU’s must be signed and honored by the three main players- RC NMN, the County Government where the public hospital is located and The University of Nairobi Medical School. The latter helps on the nurses training component. Others are the Kenya Gynaecology and Obs. Society, whose renowned Chair has been partner and overseeing our M & E.
The unwavering support of the international partners led by Jim Dowler
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